বার্তা পাঠান
আমাদের সম্পর্কে
কারখানা ভ্রমণ
মান নিয়ন্ত্রণ
আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন
উদ্ধৃতির জন্য আবেদন
বাড়ি পণ্যমাল্টি জেট জল মিটার

24 - 35V Supply Voltage Multi Jet Water Meter Wired Mbus Communicationfunction gtElInit() {var lib = new google.translate.TranslateService();lib.translatePage('en', 'bn', function () {});}

24 - 35V Supply Voltage Multi Jet Water Meter Wired Mbus Communicationfunction gtElInit() {var lib = new google.translate.TranslateService();lib.translatePage('en', 'bn', function () {});}

  • 24 - 35V Supply Voltage Multi Jet Water Meter Wired Mbus Communicationfunction gtElInit() {var lib = new google.translate.TranslateService();lib.translatePage('en', 'bn', function () {});}
  • 24 - 35V Supply Voltage Multi Jet Water Meter Wired Mbus Communicationfunction gtElInit() {var lib = new google.translate.TranslateService();lib.translatePage('en', 'bn', function () {});}
24 - 35V Supply Voltage Multi Jet Water Meter Wired Mbus Communicationfunction gtElInit() {var lib = new google.translate.TranslateService();lib.translatePage('en', 'bn', function () {});}
পণ্যের বিবরণ:
উৎপত্তি স্থল: চীন
পরিচিতিমুলক নাম: Lanhua
সাক্ষ্যদান: ISO4064
মডেল নম্বার:
ন্যূনতম চাহিদার পরিমাণ: ১০০০
প্যাকেজিং বিবরণ:
ডেলিভারি সময়: 4-8 সপ্তাহ
পরিশোধের শর্ত: L/C, T T
যোগানের ক্ষমতা:
বিস্তারিত পণ্যের বর্ণনা
পণ্যের ধরণ: :
: :
প্রদর্শন করুন: না সুরক্ষা: IP67
: চাপ:
ব্যাস: : বৈকল্পিক
বিশেষভাবে তুলে ধরা:

multijet water meter


Dry Dial water meterfunction gtElInit() {var lib = new google.translate.TranslateService();lib.translatePage('en'

wired Mbus multi jet water meter, for AMR smart metering system Housing: brass or iron DN15-25



  • Low consumption microchips, low static power
  • Photo-electric reading
  • Quickly reading and transimitting within 0.3s
  • Protection: IP67
  • No need for external battery

General Description


The market demands on the inetegration of water meters, with modern remote reading systems is the ability of the meters to communicate. Our AMR-technology provides modular structured solutions for smart metering systems via suitable interfaces, adapted to individual customer requirements. Our portfolio inclueds bothe wired bus systems and wireless radio solutions, as well as the associated software for activation and for taking readings with the systems.



Industrial and commercial water supply, volumetric water flow metering and automatic meter reading for utility, irrigation.



1. Totally sealed design, waterproof.

2. Automatically memorize the wheel code position and no need initiation.

3. Avoiding external strong magnetic attack, high performance of anti-interference.

4. Effectively solve the phenomenon of reversing and hammering.

5. Adopting M-BUS communication port, which with long distance communication.

6. No need power supply for daily work.

7. With remote valve control function that can stop water supply remotely.


The basic water meter Features:

  • The Nominal flowrate of Qn 1.5 m³/h to 15m³/h, Q3 2.5m³/h to 25m³/h
  • R value is R80 / 100 / 125 / 160 as requested
  • Suitable for both cold and warm water applications
  • Replaceable meter inserts available
  • Good readability even at extreme operational conditions
  • Optionally retrofittable with pulse contactors

Water meter operate condition:

  • Water temperature:0.1℃~40℃ for cold water
    30℃~90℃ for hot water meter.
  • Water pressure: ≤1.0 Mpa


  • Measuring accuracy conform to ISO 4064 class B standard..
  • Available with different length on request. Available in hot water meter on request.

Maximum Permissible Error:

(1) Between qt (included) and qs is ±2%;
(2) Between qmin and qt (excluded) is ±5%.



Caliber(DN) 15mm 20mm 25mm
Overload Flowrate (Q4) 3.125 m³/h 5 m³/h 7.875 m³/h
Permanent Flowrate (Q3) 2.5 m³/h 4 m³/h 6.3 m³/h
Transitional Flowrate (Q2) 0.05 m³ /h 0.08 m³/h 0.126 m³/h
Minimum Flowrate (Q1) 0.0313 m³/h 0.05 m³/h 0.0788 m³/h
Measurement Range (Q3/Q1) 80
Minimum Reading 0.0001m³
Maximum Reading 9999m³
Measure Unit 1m³
Working Temperature

0.1℃~30℃(cold water)

0.1℃~90℃(hot water)

Communication Interface M-BUS
Pressure Level △P63
Working Pressure 0.03MPa~1MPa
Flow Section Sensitivity Level U10, D5
Climate and Mechanical Environment Safety Level B





















Competitive Advantage:

  • Compliance to international standards: ISO4064 / GBT778 / Q/320700JR05-2003
  • Strict process control
  • Advanced calibration equipment
  • Engineer team


যোগাযোগের ঠিকানা
Shanghai Xunhui Environment Technology Co., Ltd.

ব্যক্তি যোগাযোগ: Mr. Murphy

টেল: 0086-138 1661 4405

ফ্যাক্স: 86-21-31105302

আমাদের সরাসরি আপনার তদন্ত পাঠান (0 / 3000)

শ্রেষ্ঠ পণ্য